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Islamic Hospital Consortium - Malaysia is a members driven organization formed based on mutual understanding amongst consortium members aimed to promote cooperation in the areas of health care, ethic, administration, operation, finance, training, education and medical research among member hospitals and its associates in pursuit to achieve high standards of health care.


Islamic Hospital Consortium - Malaysia becomes a consortium recognized as reference body and effective in providing expertise and technical resources capable to facilitate advanced levels of medical and operation standards amongst it's member institutions, whilst adhering to islamic principles and practise.


  • Establish links of cooperation among Islamic hospitals, aiming at strengthening their competitive positions in their healthcare markets, improve operating efficiencies, enhance quality and outcomes, and exchange of medical, administrative and technical information.

  • Mobilize professional and economic resources to provide quality medical care, research, training and medical relief.

  • Establish and promote a database of Islamic medical professionals' educatiors, researchers, medical schools, training centres and hospitals for the benefits of consortium members.

  • Foster welfare of Muslim medical professionals in Islamic medical institutions.

  • Fulfill the criteria of Islamic medical institutions in areas of medical ethics standars, and application of Islamic principles in the field of medicine.

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